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09-12-20 Reflection Meeting

Reflection meeting minutes


ST JOSEPH’S REFLECTION GROUP MEETING 9th December 2020 at 7pm on Zoom

Father Andy Graydon, Shauna Hilton (Chair), Alison Bergomi John Cape, Monica Carroll, Christine Handley, Maine Hobart, Tony and Marie, Mark Massarella, Anne Neill, Maria Paton, Emma Slack

Anne-Marie Carroll, Mary Gillgrass, Helen McKinney, Nuala Nelis, Kate Patterson


Father Andy started the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes of Reflection Group 4th November

These had been approved by the members of the Reflection Group at the Parish Meeting on 18th November.

Minutes of Parish Meeting 18th November

These were approved without correction.

Christmas journey – Mass times and events

Sincere thanks were expressed to Monica for receiving all the many calls and messages re bookings for attendance at Christmas Services. Monica has prepared a spreadsheet of Masses and Services from the current time until Thursday 7th Jan, when there are presently 10 Zoom Masses. Maine had been asked if there was Zoom Mass over Christmas. Emma Slack is hoping to Live Stream the Christmas Vigil and Christmas Morning Mass on Zoom and details of how to link to these will be circulated. Emma was encouraged to bill the parish for the equipment she has bought to facilitate this. Shauna said that the ‘Divine Renovation’ circulars were stressing just how important IT is going to be as parishes adapt, not only during the pandemic, but also going forward.


St J’s balance is just over £17k has gone up £200 since the Parish Meeting. £800 has been paid out for BWR. MM will be getting an update on the last month’s donation from AC. Everything is ticking along ok no problems.

Investors in Community ‘giving page’

St Joseph’s is now set up on IIC website. We need to look at the wording to see what else we wish to add. We have set up a project for Blessed William Richardson to raise funds for the restoration of the internal decoration and repairs and we are looking to raise £1k-£2k. You can only have a project on for a maximum of 2 months, so it is running until the end of January. MM has filled in a due diligence and identification form and identity check of the administrator. It was agreed that it should be registered to MM but M has put on Fr Andy’s email. When anyone makes a donation it has to be accepted or rejected (this is there as a protocol more appropriate to corporate donations made to larger charities). Hilary and Mark are happy to administer for the time being and this can be reviewed in the New Year. MC has had an email from Adeline. Hilary has been in touch with Adeline re registering the Diocese charity number as being St Joseph’s parish Dinnington of the Hallam Diocese for gift aid purposes. Mark will list the parish bank account to accept credits.

Adeline says, she wants to put on Whats App group “Have you been thinking of donating to church. It is pretty easy, set up bank transfers, all account details, if you want to complete a gift aid declaration, please contact me, cash or cheque donation in an envelope (gift aid envelope if possible) and place in loose plate” . If we want to put a general donation page on the website then we could look at doing so and discuss with Adeline. Any monies could be paid into the Action Account if we so wish. The money donated goes into a secure IIC account and it is then paid out on a monthly basis to the parish and we expect to get a breakdown of donors. ES suggested that, if anyone wishes to make a recurring donation, then it should be done so via Adeline. MM asked if we could promote on the Whats App group that we now have a donate through the website option to the BWR Project. MC said that we are always going to get some payments in cash and AC is coping.

Emma Slack and Adeline Chan have been asked by MC if they would go onto the Finance Group. MM said that, as he was the only active member, with Kate unwell, their help would be gratefully received. Kate was being kept informed by MM.

St Joseph’s School raffle

School had a big hamper donated and, because they have not had the Christmas Fayre, school funds are low. Any donations would be welcomed. If anyone wishes to buy raffle tickets or donate, then drop it into school. School breaks up on Friday 18th Dec.

Salvation Army food bank

Are most grateful for all the donations in goods and money from the parish. 57 families came for help on Saturday morning last, a big increase. They are also putting hampers, baby things and toys together. They are looking for gifts for men. They are immensely appreciative of all the parishioners help.

Web page

ES said we presently have a web domain that we use and we need to find out who we have to contact. We will see if we can enquire of Siobhan and Ann Crehan. We also need to establish who has the admin password for the domain name. Alternatively, we can get a new domain name but we have lots of other information on the old website, otherwise ES will set up a new website and then link the old in when we can.

Christmas Tree and Star

In the past the Christmas Tree in Church has been donated by the Mullers and they have put it up with the help of Michael Doherty. We wonder about having a tree outside and lit up this year. MM said he would contact Helena. Ideally, we will look to put up the tree outside by the front door of Church and if not then by Father Andy’s home. All of this would be discussed with Franz and Helena or MM would arrange one alternatively. MC and JC were concerned that, if it were inside, it reduces the covid regulation spacing individuals need to be on the altar. It was felt therefore that having the tree outside might be better this year. Maria Paton has a star that she can lend for this year and she wondered if it would hang inside the back window, there is a power point near the font at the back. It was suggested that the next time we have an electrician, we could look to have an exterior power point near the church front door area. There is the possibility of having LEDs which can alternatively run off a battery pack and timer.

Prayer cards

Marie Lear suggested this idea, following a conversation with Frank McDermott. He had put the suggestion to their parish in council meeting that they reached out to every parish family by sending a prayer card and a candle to say that they were being thought about. ML thought it was a nice idea to reach out to families that do not come regularly or who can’t get to church.

We felt this was too late for us this year with only two weeks to Christmas. It was agreed that we could look at doing something like this for Easter. We might ask Elaine and Trevor if they might make a simple card if they were able to . This can be looked at in the New Year planning.

SH said that the Pope has announced today that next year will be the year of St Joseph. AN suggested that St Joseph might like a parish party as we would!


Fixed Wire Test is booked in for 8th Jan, PAT annual testing will be done on 22nd Jan. MM would like to know the likely timetable for opening date of Kiveton. Once the fixed wire test is done there may be some works needed as a result of that inspection. It has to be conditional on whether any major works are required. We had discussed this at an earlier meeting that we would try for the first Sunday of Lent - 21 February.

Christmas Services thus far booked in: Christmas Eve 56 – Full and we have stewards

Christmas Day we only have 34 so far

Reconcilliation Service 32 booked in so far

Monica has reached out to people who have been to Mass before but are not on the Whats App group.

First Communion Programme Lucy has indicated that, because of commitments, she needs to step down. We need to reform this group with Kathy and others we might recruit. Easter Sunday is Sun 4th April. It was suggested that maybe we could do First Communion later in the year.

Next Reflection meeting 13th January 2021 at 7pm. Father Andy finished the meeting with the Glory Be.

Sent from my iPhone

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St Josephs Church, Dinnington


Blessed William Richardson, Kiveton Park

St Josephs Roman Catholic Church, Swinston Hill, Dinnington, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2RX

Blessed William Richardson Catholic Church, 56 Station Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 6QQ

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