Reflection Meeting July 6th, 2022
Present: Shauna Hilton, Alison Bergomi, Mark Massarella, John Cape, Maine Hobart, Anne Neil,
Christine Parrot, Emma Slack.
Apologies: Tony and Marie Lear, Anne Marie Carroll, Mary Gilgrass, Monica Carroll, Maria Paton, Fr Andy
Minutes of the June meeting were approved.
MM gave a brief overview of the current financial position of the parish.
June reports for parish income and expenditure had been circulated prior to the meeting
There are currently no predicted major short-term expenses.
Ongoing careful scrutiny of utilities costs.
Painting inside the church, where there was water ingress, has been completed. The sacristy has been redecorated.
Correspondence from the Diocese regarding the five-year PAP testing for the presbytery has been noted. A contractor,recommended by the Diocese, has been commissioned to carry out the work. An approximate cost may be £400 at a date yet to be confirmed.
MM to have conversation with KM about the future of the 100 Club. It was suggested the 100 club could restart in September following a positive outcome of discussions.
Weekly numbered church collection envelopes have not been available for some time, and this may be impacting on gift aidreceipt. MM to contact AC to follow this up.
Perhaps AC could once again address the community in September to promote donating to the parish, gift aid, envelope collection and standing orders. Further publicity in the weekly bulletin and on the website could be helpful.
A request had been made for the purchase of a new organ for BWR at an approximate cost of £600-£700. Fr Andy has confirmed his support for the parish replacing the organ as it was used weekly and has a big impact on the celebration of worship. It was suggested that those who attend BWR may wish to contribute through a fund-raising event. JC to follow up by seeking estimates. Agreed in principle.
Finally, MM agreed to meet with AC in the next few weeks to put together a fiancé report for the Reflection Group.
MM thanked for his update.
Health and Safety: MM confirmed both sites were fully compliant in meeting current requirements.
Some actions were still to be uploaded on the Safety Toolboxand MM had this in hand.
Live Simply: Quality information for July 2022 had been circulated prior to the meeting including a guide to the Live Simply Award.
CP gave an update of the Live Simply campaign. It was agreed good progress has been made to date and parishioners have welcomed a range of helpful information to highlight the campaign and raise awareness.
There was a discussion and information sharing about Nestleand Nestle products. Nescafe coffee will no longer be used in parish events.
The Reflection Group reached an agreement to only use tea, coffee and cocoa that are certified as ethical in church and to use Fairtrade whenever possible and Rainforest Alliance when Fairtrade is not available.
Angela Powel - the CAFOD representative for Hallam asked the parish to work towards the CAFOD Live Simply award.An action plan was attached to the email. However, this would require more involvement form the parish and the requirement to set up a ‘Live Simply’ group. It was unclear as to whether this award would actually benefit the parish community and would it give any added value to the good work already taking place. CP suggested an ECO Audit be carried out in September or October. CP agreed to do some further research before sharing next steps at the September meeting. There will be no leaflet in August.
Children’s’ Liturgy: This would restart in September, initially on the last Sunday of each month. Contact would need to be made with those leading so a rota could be re-established. AB agreed to email SB so this could be followed up and arrangements secured for September.
It was also agreed an excellent idea that the Live Simply campaign, age appropriate, be part of the children’s discussion/work/prayer during Children’s liturgy as it would engage and interest them.
Appeal: ‘World Leprosy Day ‘Sunday 29th January 2023. It was agreed the parish should support this appeal. SH to check with Fr A if a priest would be visiting St. Josephs to lead the appeal and celebrate Mass at both churches.
Parish Picnic: It was agreed a parish picnic should take place after Mass on Sunday 18th September. SH to facilitate the event. JC to confirm Fr. A is back from holiday.
Ladies evening: Possibility of taking a parish group to Winthrop Gardens, Wickersley. Possibly 20 places available. SH to contact and make provisional arrangements.
Scripture study: AMC is planning to lead scripture groups in September.
Lourdes: It was suggested an opportunity be created for the young people to talk about their recent experience of visiting Lourdes. SK would be approached and encouraged to facilitate. This could take place in September at both Masses and form part of the planned support programme for Fr A. SH would speak with SK.
DONM: Wednesday September 14th, 2022.